Thursday, January 30, 2014

Yogyakarta - Week 20

Hohoy! Selamat pagi semunya! Apa Kabar?
This week was another week in wonderful, beautiful, amazing Indonesia. Man I love this country and all the people here. I am so lucky to be here and at this time too! Well here's my week...

Senin: a pretty laid pack pday. We met with a new investigator. He kind of lives on the streets, riding his bike everywhere and Sister Believe talked to him while we were proselyting the week before. He had already started the Book of Mormon by our first meeting with him and by the second he was already almost done with 2Nefi. He is a really amazing person and I'm excited to get to know him further. 
Selasa: We had FHE with a part member family and the whole district came. The food was great andthe spirit was really strong. The daughter who isn't baptized expressed her feelings about the matter and we really got to know her. Right now the son from that family is serving in Canada!

Rabu: This day felt pretty successful, only one of our appointments didn't happen so we were able to meet with almost everyone we planned for. I got to know a little more about Sister Believe's conversion story. She is a strong and faithful daughter of God. I am learning a lot from her and I'm really grateful for this opportunity to be her companion.
Kamis: Thursday was a lot like Wednesday.
We met with a lot of people and had some good lessons. The Spirit was strong and it was an overall good day.

Jumat: DDM was in Magelang but before we left we had an English class at a place called UCP. They make wheel chairs and a lot of them that work there have disabilities themselves. They are all so great! Magelang was good. We gave the magelang Elders one of our investigators because they live a little closer to Magelang than Jogja.

Sabtu: we got SO much rambutan (the little red fruit with the spikes). Sister Believe and I got tons and then the other sisters were given some too so there are just bags full of rambutan on the table! Ah enak sekali :) It's basically all I've been eating the past 2 days.

Hari Minggu: Yesterday we went to a different area, Klaten, and held a sacrament meeting in the home of a member family. Our investigators showed and it was a very humbling experience. It was also a testament that this work is growing. There's so much potential in Klaten!! 

 Well, have a great week y'all! Sampai nanti! :) 


Sister Sperry :) 

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