Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Yogyakarta - Week 17


Well our email time has been cut down a little so I'm not going to be writing much but here's some cool things that happened this week!

This week Sister Believe has been sick, poor thing. We haven't been able to work quite as effectively has we hoped and we've been dropped by quite a few investigators but it's OK! We had ZTM this week and the Zone Leaders told us about the new goals for the mission this year. I'm really excited about them! I think the are reachable but they also cause us to really stretch. I think this mission is going to grow a lot from these goals, especially if we all focus and do our very best to achieve them. 


The day after ZTM I have decided to call Hari Mukjizat (Miracle Day). There were crazy things throughout the day that just totally manifested God's love for Sister Believe and I and answered my prayers. We started out early in the morning to meet with a less active member and I noticed that my contribution in the lessons is growing because my language is getting better! Then later that day I felt it again in a lesson with an investigator who told us she wasn't interested and that all churches are the same. Even though I was sad that she didn't accept our message I am grateful that my language is growing and my understanding is growing too. Afterward we met with another member and she brought 3 of her friends!! We taught them all and we hope that at least one of them will return. She seemed interested! 
Then one of the Elder's investigators brought a referral to us and wow she is so sweet and awesome. She even talked about serving a mission. It was really cool to get to know her and we see tons of potential in her. Later that night we met with a family at dinner who invited us over today and they paid for our dinner!! They were so nice and I'm excited to meet with them today. Sister Believe also had her Coke paid for by a previous investigator who we haven't been able to contact for a long time. It really was a miracle day! And I really needed it. I'm so grateful and I want to testify that God really does answer prayers and He loves each and every one of us.


Well Until next week! Love you all and Thank you!!!!

Sister Sperry :) 

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