Thursday, January 16, 2014

Yogyakarta - Week 18

Howdy ya'll!! (very Indonesian ya?)
This week was a good and bad week. Poor Sister Believe was super sick this week so we couldn't do much but no worries she's feeling a lot better now. She's a very strong and great missionary. So that was the bad part. But the good part was PLD!! (It's zone conference but Indonesian). 
WE found out some awesome news too. So there are 4 new sisters coming in Feb which is 2 extra than are going home...which means there's not a spot for them...unless..MANADO IS OPENING TO SISTERS!!! Sister Believe is from Manado and when she found out she became so happy. I'm stoked too!! Now sisters will be allowed in 6 cities instead of just 5. It's just more evidence that the work of God is progressing!
That was a great start to a fantastic PLD. So for our Zone PLD was held in Solo. We left Friday morning from Jogja to Solo for interviews with President Donald (don't worry I passed my interview) then later that night we all played futsol and ha...I got a ball to the face. It didn't hurt but it knocked me right on my backside, legs up and everything. And of course, President was there. It was a little embarrassing but REALLY funny too! I laughed pretty hard. That's what I get for playing without my glasses on. 
Elder Haws and Elder Wood after futsol
The sisters stayed the night in a cheap hotel and then the next day was the actual PLD meeting. IT was wonderful!! The Spirit was so strong the whole time! We talked a lot about goals and how we are going to achieve our goals for this year. The main goal (not for this year but for the future of Indonesia) is a temple! Ok I'm gonna go off on a tangent for a second. I miss the temple so much! And I am grateful I know the blessings of a temple and I have the opportunity to work in an area that doesn't yet have a temple. I have come to appreciate the temple in a completely different way because the opportunity isn't there for me right now. I admire the sacrifices made by the people here to go to the temple. The only thing I had to sacrifice was maybe a little sleep to go back home.
It has also been a huge motivation to do missionary work both for the members and missionaries. The temple is the ultimate goal. It should be in everyone's lives.  Eveyone needs the blessings of the temple. Also your understanding expands so much. The beauty of the Godhead is revealed, the need for a Savior is better understood, and God's love is truly manifest when we go to the temple. So here's a commitment for you all this week...make time and go to the temple! At least 1 time. Do it for me ya? If you can't yet enter for endowments and such, go for baptisms. If you're not quite worthy to enter, start working to become worthy! And just go sit outside for this week and pray to your Heavenly Father. So here, will you go to the temple at least once this week? I promise if you do you will feel the love of Heavenly Father even more in your life this week.
Ok coming back to goals. We have some really great goals that are gonna make us stretch here in Indonesia. And the best part is that each goal helps to accomplish another and puts us on the right path to receiving a temple. President is really excited about these goals and I can't help but feel excited too!! I love how into missionary work President Donald is.
Well that's all for today. I love you all!!

Sister Sperry :) 
Eating out with the District at Special Sambal - the sisters
The elders at Special Sambal

White dragon fruit

Red dragon fruit

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