Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Solo (Week 53)

Halo semuanya!

So not much news this week because poor Sister Zabriskie was sick most of the week. She was throwing up and all that fun jazz. But no worries because she's all better now! 

Even though we didn't go out much this week I realized that my teaching and my missionary skills are actually progressing!! I've reached a year in Indonesia now and I went back and read my journal from when I first got here, and I can actually see progress! I know it's come by studying the things of the gospel and when our knowledge of the gospel deepens and gets better so does our testifying. I can tell that I testify with a lot more strength now! 

Saturday was the first day we could really go out and we worked hard! And all of our lessons felt AWESOME! Sister Zabriskie and I have reached a new level in our missionary work and it's exciting. The Spirit was present and Solo is filled with so much potential it's ridiculous! We are working really hard to accomplish our goals. 

There's one miracle that I'd like to share. We've started teaching a woman that can't read and knows better Javanese than Indonesian so it's really hard to teach her! Us and the Elders have switched off going to see her every day and guess what...she can pray! It's like a really short simple prayer but she can do it!!!!!!!! We are working hard to help her understand the importance of the gospel. Also members are AWESOME! They know javanese so they explain everything we can't. It's been a huge blessing to have willing members around.

Well I hope everyone has a great week! Learn the gospel, study the scriptures each day, pray each day and I know you testimony will deepen and you will feel closer to Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven. 

I love being a missionary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Sister Sperry :) 


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