Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Solo (Week 52)

Selamat Pagi dan Selamat Hari Senin! 

It's been a pretty great week! Same ol' same ol' lovin the missionary life. Some of the silly highlights of the week are:

We have a new breakfast favorite, it's Salju Pelangi (Rainbow Snow (snow rainbow if literally translated)) It's yogurt with granola (ya it's taken me a year to find granola) and fruit loops :D enak! 

There are therapy fish here that eat the dead skin off the bottom of your feet and IT TICKLES SO MUCH!! I couldn't help but scream!

Apparently I just live in a world of analogies. Sister Zabriskie says I have really good analogies. Hey thanks :) 

The week has just been the same old but I wanted to talk about a few things that I've learned. 

1) FAMILY IS SO IMPORTANT!!! Man we have learned a lot about temple work, family history work, eternal families and all that these past couple weeks and it's just amazing! I've really come to appreciate the hope that comes from God's perfect plan for us and our families and that we really can live together forever when we are righteous and do these ordinances with the power and authority of God. Family is such a beautiful thing and Satan is going to do all he can to destroy it! As long as we keep centered on Jesus Christ and His teachings I promise our families will be fortified and will achieve eternal glory together. There is a bright hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even for those family members that might seem lost. Never give up on them! Trust in the Lord in all you do and He will guide you. Love those that may be swaying from the path and I promise they will remember that love here and in the next life and if they chose to come back that's going to be a huge helping factor! 

2) SATAN IS REAL! He is evil. He will do everything he can to keep us away from the Beautiful and Perfect Plan of Happiness that God has created for us. He speaks to us through the gaddianton robbers in 3 Nephi 3-5 (especially ch 3. It's kinda really creepy and gave me the heebie geebies...). I like these chapters because good wins and I hope all of you know that even though satan is tough and evil and has a power that is strong his power doesn't even compare to the power and goodness of God. Good will always win! I know that to be true and I know the FULL truth will always be stronger than satan's half lies. 

3) Missionary life is not for these 18 months aja. It goes BEYOND that to the rest of our lives! My time here as a fully time missionary is just training for the rest of my life. Missionary work doesn't stop after this!

I know all of these things are true and I say them in the Name of Our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, amin. 

I hope you all have a great week! Try Salju Pelangi...it's so good!

With love,
Sister Sperry :) 

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