Sunday, October 5, 2014

Solo (Week 54)

Dear World,

Wow another week has flown by! I thought I got the virus fixed on my memory card for fotos but...I apparently didn' once again there will be no picutres even though I got some good ones...sorry ya?! Well here's how the week went...

Senin: We went over to the Lewis's and wrote about our Grandmas. I have some pretty cool Grandmas so that was fun :) I love learning about family history work and doing so!! Get on family search and do it ya?! 

Selasa: It was a good day! The woman that doesn't understand all that great is progressing pretty well! It's so fun to meet with her because she gets so excited about things and then she's SO excited to be baptized because she knows she'll be clean just like her shirts when she washes them ;) She's just too cute!

Rabu: I went to Jakarta!! I flew out with a couple of Elders from Solo and got to meet some of the new elders that came in. It's a good looking group and this mission is going to thrive. I think we've hit 90 missionaries!!! WOOT!!!! The mission is growing!!! I also got to meet up with my twin, Sister Olsen and hear about life in Jakarta. She says Jakarta is hard and it's even harder because she's a sister training leader and has to travel all over the mission! But it sounds like she's up for the challenge and her and Sister Sheffield are doing well. So good to see all them!

Kamis: I got my visa renewed, spent the afternoon with the old MTC gang, and no one has changed a bit! Haha we all just picked right back up where we were before. It was fun to hear mission stories from everyone and just to be "a district" again even if it was just a couple hours. Then I headed back to Solo and I'm glad to be back :) 

Jumat: Awesome miracle! So we've been going to this nonactive members barber shop to try and help him come back to church. He's served a mission and he's just an all around great guy, but he likes to joke around. Luckily I have always been picked on for being gullable and have learned to overcome it and can outsmart his jokes! HA! He thinks I'm really smart, even though I'm not all that smart. Anyway there was one of his friends at the barber shop too and the friend just so happens to be Christian who is looking to answers to a very important question. And we so happen to be representatives of Christ serving to try and help people find those answers...coincidence I THINK NOT!!! We explained the Book of Mormon to him and the best part was the member HELPED us explain church and the Book of Mormon. IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!!!! Even though a lot of it was in Javanese I could still understand the member's testimony of the Book of Mormon and was happy to see that he still has one and knows where truth is. We are still working on trying to get an appointment with the friend but I have faith he'll find his answer through reading the Book of Mormon. It's such an amazing and great book! It's the word of God! 

Sabtu: We ran out of bread and peanutbutter and us bules can't live without the two so we went out to buy some. Before leaving we prayed we would be able to find someone who wants to hear our message. Not even 5 minutes later, before we even walked into the store, a lady starts speaking to us and invites us over to share a message! God answers prayers!!!! He was just waiting for us to ask and then He would provide. Man prayer is cool! We met with her and she had some good questions and some odd questions but overall it was a good meeting. :) We are such blessed missionaries! 

Hari Minggu: Church was not quite as heartbreaking as normal because we had people come!! YAY! The woman who is slow to learn actually was able to participate in sunday school and boy was she excited to do so! Good things are happening in Solo. :) 

I want to just invite you all to do a little missionary work, because it's fun. And here's how...

So the mission has been pushing a lot to use facebook. Facebook is acutally a great tool for finding people to teach. The Bishop gave a talk on this a little and asked the members to be careful with what they post on the internet so people can see that they are members of the church. And I want to invite you all to do the same. As members of the church I want to ask you to post your testimony on facebook, take a picture, and then send it to me! It doesn't need to be long and beautiful, just what you believe. Stand as a witness of Christ! And Helps others find Him. I know that when you do this, your testimony will be strengthened. And so will mine, and possibly many others! Go ahead, try it :) 

I love this work! I hope to get tons of pictures of testimonies this upcoming week. Go share the gospel!

with love,
Sister Sperry :) 

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