Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Solo (Week 49)

Happy Anniversary two days ago to my awesome parents!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a great day and I'm so grateful that you decided to get married in the temple for all eternity! You two are great :) 

Anyway hey ya'll! This week was awesome! I love my companion, the work is going well, and Solo is wonderful! Here's the week:

Senin: We got to go to this cool temple and waterfall! The is believed to have some ties back to the Book of Mormon (more information coming to you after I serve the mission because it's too much to write) and that was awesome! We saw some tea fields and the waterfall and the places were SO pretty and SO nice. Not hot at all! Perfect! It was a super fun day. Thank you Elder and Sister Lewis!

Selasa: We got partly denied partly not by a Catholic woman. She was telling us she doesn't need to read the scriptures everyday so we tried to get her to at least read a verse from the Bible each day. We worked hard and had an overall good day!

Rabu: We found out that the investigator from Jogja who is just AWESOME quite smoking today!!!!!!!! We are so happy!! He is on his way to baptism and the temple :) Unfortunately, it made him sick, but he's getting through it. His faith and will power is amazing and we're super proud of him.

Kamis: We went to Jogja for ZTM and we made some awesome goals as a zone. It's going to be hard but fun! I'm really excited to see where these goals take us and watch the zone and mission grow. We already have TONS more baptisms than we did last year and that's because everyone is working hard and staying obedient and focused. We have such a great mission. Look out Indonesia, temple going soon! 

Jumat: We had gotten a text from someone that Sister Manarung and Sister Fisher contacted before I was here that said he believed the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. SWEET!!!!!!!!! We met with him and he had some great questions and just took everything we had to say and teach in. He's awesome! We are blessed missionaries!

Sabtu: We met with a none active investigator who is sick and had a good lesson about families and motherhood. then...

Hari Minggu: she came to church!!!!!!!! That was awesome! Unfortunately the investigator from Jogja couldn't make it because he was sick. Then he was feeling well and wanted to meet us in Solo but got in a small accident and wasn't able to make it...that was really sad. We were going to meet at the Lewis's for the lesson and after waiting for 2 hours they still let us come over and eat dinner with them. They are so kind! Oh we also celebrated Indonesia's Independent day! INNNNDOOOOONEEESSIIIIAAAAAAKKUUUUU!!!!!

We are seeing miracles right and left! I love this work it's just so great! I hope you all have a great week! Watch for the miracles and be grateful!

Sister Sperry :) 

My Siblings Colin and Taytum...;) They just loook so alike! 

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