Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Solo (Week 51)

Wow is it really September already!! Time flies when you are serving the Lord. And having fun! I wonder how the 3 Nephites feel about time...? well here's how the week went!

Senin: Us and the other Sisters made Gado-Gado for our pday and cookies which we absolutely enak sekali (Thank you mother of Sister L Fisher for the recipe!). Then we had a family night at Sister Tuti's house with her and her familiy. I don't know if I got this story in my email last week but it's a pretty cool one! So they are preparing to go on the big temple trip next week (I'm so excited for these people and wnat to go SO BAD!) and she had a problem with trying to get ordinances for her siblings. Sister Lewis, one of the Family History Missionaries here, put me on the case to try and figure things out. She also said that if I did it I would get on her expert list and then I'll for sure be called as a Family History Consultant when I get home...Well I figured it out!! It took a while but I finally was able to figure everything out and got the ordinances printed so she can take them to the temple. I've never felt like such a hero before! Sister Tuti thanked me about a million times and then invited us over for dinner, and I could really see how much this meant to her. Eternal Families are so important! And I've really gained a testimony about temple work and missionary work being the same great work. So lets all go work!!! 

Selasa: We went on a "Anggota Tidak Aktif" hunt (nonactive members). We found a lot of members! That was nice since me and my companion are still learning the area. All the members helped us out a lot! Man am I grateful for the Solo Members. 

Rabu: We went on splits with two girls from the different wards here. They are awesome! I went with Novi who is waiting for her call to come. She is going to be an AWESOME missionary and I am so excited for her to get her call. I hope she gets called to Indonesia so we have an opportunity to work together.

Kamis: Just one of those hard working days where God gives you blessing and sends you people to teach! We are really working towards are goal to help the mission with it's goal and God is really helping us! It's amazing. We are just meeting people right and left that we believe we can help recieve this gospel. Man are we blessed missionaries! I imagine it's from the prayers at home so THANK YOU!

Jumat: We started out the day right with singing the Aggie's fight song on our run. That got us pumped for the day. Then we got a call that a new member, my investigator from Jogja, was in Solo! Pak Darno! It was so great to see him but he had some sad news, he is moving to Sematra in an area that doesn't have a church yet. But I have faith that he'll be just fine and he'll move back here! We also met with one of our favorite people, Gabrella. She's preparing herself for baptism too and is really turning her life around. We really admire her!

Sabtu: Man Saturday was busy! But that's just how we like it! The funny story of the day was our "hit and run" Book of Mormon. We were visiting a person that we had contacted before and asking her if she read the pamflet we gave her. She said ya and then we tried to give her the Book of Mormon but she didn't really want it. We finally convinced her to read a few verses. Now you need to understand the teaching style with her is WAY different so what we did after was totally appropriate. We opened to the verses, handed her the book, and then ran! She laughed but didn't try and give it back. That's a good sign! Hopefully she'll read more of it after that :) Haha the funny ways God works ;) 

Hari Minggu: sundays are hard! You put so much effort on trying to get people to come to church and then...they don't come. But no worries! We'll just work harder to get them there this week!! 

If you don't want to go to church, then that means that you REALLY need to go! Going is not hard! You just have to swallow your laziness, pride and anything else that's keeping you and go! I cannot even describe the blessings that come through church attendance. Trust me, you'll feel a lot better because you went!

sorry for the long email. Have a great week yall!

sister SPerry :) 

This is Elder Hayes from my parents stake. Here's to Ashburn! 


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