Sunday, July 13, 2014

Solo (Week 42)

Selamat hari Senin!! 
Apa kabar?

Hopefully everyone is doing well. I had a pretty great week this week! here's how it went,.

Senin: We went to Kraton as a District. There wasn't much there but it's fun to spend time as a district and see the cool king stuff. It was a pretty laid back pday, except for we all got interviewed a million times. There are college kids that are majoring in English and as an assignment they have to interview an English speaker. Well there were 7 at Kraton the other day with all of us missionaries so they were following us and ya... I felt like a celebrity. It kinda stinks, you can't go anywhere! 

Selasa: Just a normal day. Not much happened except work, work, work. 

Rabu: We rode FAR! And up and down a bunch of hills. We had a good lesson where we didn't do much of the teaching but I learned a lot, and we met a person who has read my blog! That was pretty neat :) His english is awesome and he's super receptive to our message. 

Kamis: me and Sister Fisher hit our 1000th contact today! Wow I can officially say I have met 1000s of people. It just took around 5 weeks to meet 1000 so the whole span of my mission?'s probably safe to say I've been rejecedt about that many times too ;) We celebrated with JCO doughnuts and more contacting. Woot!

Jumat: My birthday!!! I can't believe I'm 20!? We met with a person who we thought was an investigator and turns out to be a member..awkward. We hadn't met him at church before but don't worry we did this Sunday. Then we had DDM and the Elders all wished me a happy birthday. After DDM we went to our friends in Baliwarti and they had an awesome traditional Solo Lunch ready for me and Sister Fisher. We ate a took pictures and shared a message about faith. It was so fun! Later that night after English class the whole district went to Pak Jons and I got to treat them all ;) And they caked me! I got flour and water poured all over me (that's part of the tradition here. Usually there's eggs too). It was awesome and I couldn't stop smiling the whole way home ;) unfortunately it wasn't my camera that got the pictures so bare with me as we wait to get those from other people. I'm so grateful for such a great day and a cool way to spend my 20th! serving a mission in Indonesia...I couldn't hope for a better birthday! 

Getting "caked" for my birthday!

Sabtu: We worked hard and had a long day but a good day! We met with Ibu Ima and she's really progressing. Then On sunday...

Hari Minggu: we were learning about the Plan of Salvation and Ibu Ima said "so many people don't know about this and the revelation from Joseph Smith and they need to know." Me and Sister Fisher were thinking YA! We agree and that's why we're here!!! We were so happy with her response to that and she's been so well prepared to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then she said she wanted to be a missionary (she's too old to serve a full time mission but everymember a missionary!). AHH! Sister Fisher and I were on cloud nine!!! So happy :) 

I know this church is true! I know it with my whole heart and there isn't anything that can convince me otherwise. I know Christ lives. He loves us. and He always provides opportunities for us to come back to Him and our Father in Heaven. 

I love you all! Thank you for the birthday wishes and the love!

Sister Sperry :) 

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