Thursday, June 26, 2014

Solo (Week 41)

Happy Birthday to my crazy uncles, Elder Browning and anyone else that I might have missed! And Thank you for the birthday whishes that I have gotten :D You people are so great and I love the crazy cards that I'm getting. From the homemade Cards from Las Vegas to the Cat with a sweater on it (if that doesn't scream Colin I don't know what does...)

Well Here's the week!

Senin: We just kinda shopped for p-day and Sister Fisher got a trim. Then we met with an Ibu. She's Christian but is following her husband right now. She's confused if she wants to come back to Christianity or not. I hope we'll be able to help her decide. 

Selasa: It was a pretty normal day in Solo. Not much happened but we worked hard.

Rabu: We rode really far and climbed like 3 mountains to try and find a referral from the Elders. And...she wasn't home. But we were lucky to find a different person to teach! He knows really good English and is super smart. He accepted the Book of Mormon and we'll try and get back there soon! 

Kamis: We went and saw our friends from last week! There were all very receptive and listened to our message. We are going to have a birthday lunch with them on Friday :) I'm really quite excited! There's two that have a lot of potential/. I love Missionary work! We also went and met with our other new friends that are just a whole mix of different Christian religions. They were so kind and really funny! One just moved back to Jakarta and we gave him to the Elders out there. 

Jumat: Just another hard working day! Sister Fisher and I are starting to recognize where our potential can take us and we are excited to work hard and really achieve it. We are trying to find ways to work more effectively and more with the spirit. It's so exciting! I love Sister Fisher and her awesome hard working attitude. I've learned so much from her! 

Sabtu: Unfortunately we weren't able to meet with Ibu Ima today...that was a bummer. But we were still able to pull out a good day! When you are working hard, Heavenly Fathers helps to keep you busy. 

Hari Minggu: A really cool miracle happened! So a while ago Solo and Jogja got a media referral from a girl who lives in Salatiga, which is about an hour and a half out from here. She finally made it to church the other day! It was great to put a face to the name and she had some awesome questions. She's dating a nice LDS boy from Utah and he was able to come to church yesterday too, but doesn't know Indonesian so Elder Kyle helped translate. It was really cool to meet both of them! Then we ate at one of the Bishop's homes and they made us eat until we couldn't. I'm so grateful the ride home was all down hill! 

I love this work. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and I love my life! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve in this crazy country and get to know these amazing people. I hope you all have a great week! 

With love,
Sister Ferry ( happens ;) )



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