Thursday, July 24, 2014

Solo (Week 45)

Halo semuanya! Apa kabar?! 

We this week was really nice weather wise, it actually got kind of cold at night, but it's back to hot! 

We had an awesome week this week, especially because PLD (a big zone meeting with President and Sister Donald) has come just in time! Here's how the week went!

Senin: The district went to this pasar (market) and we got matching parkir shirts (the shirts that the guys on the side of the road that park cars wear). We all thought we were pretty awesome. This district is so cool!

Selasa: Usually Tuesdays are kinda iffy...I've never liked them but today was a good Tuesday! We got quite a few lessons in, a couple first timers, and a really good lesson with a member present! We were talking about the temple with our investigator, Ibu Rini, and then Sister Ratmini, who is the seminary teacher here, was AWESOME to help us explain the blessings and just why the temple is so great. Man members really do make ALL the difference in a lesson! Go help the missionaries!! THEY NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rabu: Unfortunately Wednesday was not as successful as Tuesday but still good! I got to hold an owl that looks like a creepy furby and a bat! There's just a guy that owns a ton of owls and this bat, a couple cats, and a little puppy. He says it's a's a stinky one! And, he wasn't super interested in Church. But that's OK! We'll try again later :) 

Kamis: We had our weekly planning session which turned into an eternity planning session when Sister Fisher asked about the millennium and eternity and jazz. I've got eternity planned out now, no worries! We also were trying to get to an appointment when this guy driving a becak rode past us, blowing his whistle and yelled something that sounded like CHARGE! He went through the stop light and then we ended up passing him and again, at the next stop light, he did it again. CHARGE BERTIGA! (which meant that we were supposed to follow him in this charge through the stop light.) It was hilarious! I love these people!  

Jumat: We had interviews with President Donald and the Sisters got to hang out with Sister Donald, which is always a blast! She's great :) Sister Olsen and I went on splits and visited an investigator's home. Unfortunately she wasn't there but her mom was! We helped her get ready to sell some food and then shared a message about Family; A Proclamation to the World. It was really good and of course I loved being with Sister Olsen again! Always so great to see her. Then we played Futsol as a zone and ate at our favorite Ayam Bakar, Pak Jon's. (Burnt chicken...that's literally translated. It's like BBQ. SO GOOD!)

Sabtu: We had an AWESOME PLD with President and Sister Donald. I have SO MUCH I need to work on but it's OK! I have the power to do it and I'm excited to do so. I'm so grateful for the Atonement and the opportunity to better myself each day. We had another good lesson with Ibu Rini about Nabi, Prophets. 

Hari Minggu: We had THREE, count em, THREE investigators at church!!!! APA?! Ibu Rini FINALLY came to church and she seemed to like it! Then Ibu Ima and Lia (that has the boyfriend in Utah) came to church. That was awesome! We had an awesome lesson with Pak Bagus and Ibu Ima later that night and Ibu Ima is so prepared for baptism it's crazy! She keeps talking about how we need to share the gospel and jazz. We also talked about the Temple and Eternal families. She says she really wants one. AH I love her! 

I'm so grateful for temples and priesthood power. I know that families can be together forever, and I am so grateful that mine is. I'm so grateful my parents got married in the temple by that authority. Boy am I blessed!

Have a great week! go out with the missionaries and feel the joy that comes from Bring souls unto Christ. Love you all!\

Sister Sperry :)
A big snake...I didn't eat it!


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