Thursday, July 24, 2014

Solo (Week 44)

....I ate dog

and I kinda liked it...

AHHH!!!! There I got the confession out right away! I'll tell you the story when I get to Sunday. It was surprisingly not as gross as I thought it would be. But the thought of JoDee's dog Buster kept me from going back for seconds! 

Well here's how my week went! 

Senin: We played basketball for p-day which was awesome. But Sister Fisher and I left our bikes at the bengkel for too long (bike garage) and then it we went without bikes for the rest of the night. Which actually turned out to be a blessing because we met with a promising investigator! I just had a feeling to go down this one street while we were contacting and then Sister Fisher had the feeling to contact this one lady and before you know it we're in there hearing about her sorrows and worries and teaching about how the Book of Mormon can help! It was really cool and such great team work especially with our 3rd team member, the Holy Ghost.


Selasa: For some reason lessons just have a hard time working out on Tuesdays. Well...We were able to see a few people though and ended up having an ok day! God blesses you with things to do when He sees us working! OH and I almost forgot...WE LOST OUR PHONE! When we found out we were both a little stressed. That would happen to us! Luckily we bumped into the Jebres Elders and they let us use their phone to call ours/ let the office know. Elders are pretty great like that. We thought we left it in the taksi that we took to the bengkel to get our bikes but turns out...

Rabu: After going a day with the excuse "sorry we lost our phone we couldn't SMS you before hand" OUR PHONE WAS FOUND!! The elders (Solo our beloved ZLs) kept calling it and finally someone picked up! Turns out it wasn't in a Taksi but we had left it at the bike shop. Oh there are good people in this world :) The Elders brought it back to us and we were so happy! Then, the Elders bought us pizza. That was pretty great too! They really take care of their sisters here in Indonesia :) 
Kamis: We had a nice weekly planning session and then we went to a few contacts we had made a week or so ago. They were awesome! We invited the mom to kneel and pray and ask about joining the church and she did and she said she felt good about it! Unfortunately...she didn't make it to church yesterday. But there's a ton of potential and it was just such a great testimony builder! 

Jumat: after trying for AGES we finally met with one of our investigators who has stopped progressing. We think she just doesn't quite grasp the importance of acting and coming to church. We are working hard to try and help her but we can only do so much. We also met Sister Keksi who is just one of the CUTEST old ladies I have ever met! The poor thing has a really bad cough but she was able to come to church the other day! YAY! 

Sabtu: So...last week or so we got this referral from a member and went and thought we found the referal! But that referral didn't know the member who gave us the referral but did know one of the bishops...we were confused because the member said they were good friends. This week we asked that member to explain where the referral lives again and turns out we were WAY off track! JAUH BANGET! Like, off by a good 20 min bike ride! But how crazy?! Then we met people with a dog who's name is Sydney. I thought that was cool :) 

Hari Minggu: We tried have a little fireside thing at a members home (but none of our investigators came...:( ) and I don't know why but the members are always trying to get us bules to eat dog! They told me it was snake and I was so excited because I've wanted to try snake for a long time! I took a bite and looked at the bone I was eating off of and thought, man that was a huge snake. Then I see Elder Kus looking at me suspiciously and I said, "This is dog, isn't it." YEP!!! AHHHHH.......the worst part was actually kinda good! It's a little like cow meat. I just can't believe how gullable I was! EVERYONE knew that I thought it was snake so nobody said anything...ya weslah! Also, the was a talk given in church and it was apparently really funny but I didn't understand anything because it was mostly in Javanese...this is how the language is for me

indonesian^-^-^-^jawa____^______Indonesian again^-^-^-^-^-^ (the one little bump is when they say a word I've learned in Javanese)

Well I love my life and I love being a missionary. I feel my testimony grow everyday and I witness miracles everyday. I know that miracles have never ceased! I also know that God loves us all and that we all have such great potential. Live up to your potential! 

Have a great week everyone :D Love ya!

Sister Sperry :) 



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