Thursday, June 26, 2014

Solo (Week 40)

Hello world!

I heard some of the most exciting news of my life this week...MBAK ATIN WAS BAPTIZED YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was the investigator in Jogja that has been learning with the missionaries for a long time now. She's had problems with baptism because her family's religion but she finally was baptized yesterday! Sister Toegono called me and I just started bawling because I was so happy. Ah I'm still so happy!!!! She's been so ready for so long and she just finally did away with what anyone thinks of her and turned to God. I'm so proud of her and grateful for Heavenly Father's hand in helping her be baptized. Anyway here's my week!

Senin: I went to a fabric store and picked out some fabric to make my birthday present from myself which is a kabaya. It's traditional clothing that you would wear to a graduation, wedding, just kind of any special occasion and I get to pick it up today! I'll send pictures next week :) Then we went to Family night with Sister Eni from Banjasari (one of the 4 wards) and she and Sister Yuli gave us recipies so we can start learning to cook like Indonesians! 

Selasa: We tried cooking. Nasi Goreng...and it failed! We were sick for a few days (not like stay at home sick but like oh my gosh I never want to eat nasi goreng again sick...) but it's OK because I think we are getting over it! We learned what we did wrong and will try again. 
We met with a few great people, like usual, and enjoyed serving our God and king. Missionary work is so great right?! :) 

Rabu: So...we went looking for a referal that the Elders gave to us. As we were looking there was a lady on motor that started talking to Sister Fisher. Sister Fisher got her name and number and where she lived just like that. THEN...

Kamis: We decided to go find that Ibu. Her name is Ibu Nila. She's Muslim but open to hear about anything. We started to get to know her and asked if we could share our message, Sister Fisher started to pray when she said, "Wait I want to go get my Christian friend." We were all, ya that's awesome, and waited for her to come back. She came back with 2...and then a 3rd came! They all heard our message and unfortunately we only brought 2 kitab Mormon. Then her son comes home and turns out he's friends with one of the Elders serving in Surabaya right now! Small world right? Anyway we taught them all about the Book of Mormon and it was really great. Then I mentioned it was my birthday at the end of the month and they went nuts! They kept saying I had to come back and they would make nasi kuning (yellow good!!!!) and all this stuff and they just oooed over Sister Fisher and I. Then we went to their nieghbor's house, who is a fashion designer for Kabayas (what I bought on senin) and appearently has been to California for shows. He's seen the broadway production The Book of Mormon so he was a little apprehensive at first but then he offered to like give us a make over sometime and we could try on some of the traditional clothing. It was super cool. There is some really great potential over there and we are excited to go back! 

Jumat: I discovered how brave I've gotten and bold with my statements about the church. I just tell the truth, I don't ease my way around it. We had a lesson with a lady that can't read but has faith that is amazing. Unfortunately she doesn't quite understand our message, but that's ok. We came out straight and bold with our beliefs (but with love!) and it was just kind of a turning point for me. It's helped a lot! 

Sabtu: We met with Ibu Ima who is just amazing! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and she was happy to get her answer to what happens after death. She says no one's ever been able to answer it until now. YAY!!!! She's working hard on preparing for baptism :) 

Hari Minggu: Mbak Atin was baptized in Jogja!! I was so happy to hear that, especially because we didn't have any of our investigators come to church...After church we ended up meeting a Saksi Yehova (Jehovah's Witness). We learned a lot and I just got a witness that this church is God's church and only this church. I was bold but loving again (I've found a good balance) and so was Sister Fisher (her testimony is AWESOME!) and we had a really good discussion. I love being a missionary :D and Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

I know this church is the only church that has the Priesthood. I know that this is God's work and He needs us all. I love this church and my calling! Dalam nama Yesus Kristus, Amin!

Well until next week!

Sister Sprie (I'm gonna start signing off with the different names I've been called.)

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