Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Yogyakarta (Week 32)

Holy Cow another week done!! I can hardly believe how time is flying right now. I can't believe I'm already 9 months into the mission ;) Well here's how my week went!

Senin: Because of PLD and a picnic, we decided to work on this day. It was just like any other work day. We met with the Jianto family and had a fantastic Family Home Evening. We also met with one of our new investigators. He lives on the street and has a very interesting situation but he is positive and happy and we love meeting with him! 


Selasa: Finally...after however many months of me saying I will buy a bigger and better bag...I broke down and bought one. It was time. My old one was starting to rip and mold (ew..). We met with the def couple again and did a lot of proselyting. I was really happy with our efforts that day because I felt like we were progressing. It's so nice to see progress! Speaking of...last week Hermana Burningham gave me a kind of goal to try and double our progressive investigators. Well I would like her to know, we accomplished that! I'm really quite excited :) 

Rabu & Kamis: we headed down to Solo for PLD. The first day we had interviews with President. He told me that I will be moving from Jogja :( But that's ok! The work goes on! We also got to spend a lot of time with Sister Donald which was SO fun! She's such a joy. We also found out that we are getting 4 new sisters...and none are going home...which means...opening more areas for sisters!! So Solo will now have 4 sisters instead of 2 and President is opening Surabaya (east java) for sisters! The work is progressing!! By agustus we should have 86 Missionaries! WOW!


Thursday was the actual PLD meeting. It was full with the Spirit and we learned tons! I love PLD and I got the award for being the most positive! Sister Olsen got most obedient and Sister Hasibuan got most contacts! GO JOGJA! 

Jumat: we had a picnik with the stake! It was fun to meet some of the members from Solo, Semarang, and Magelang.Our new investigator came with us which was really good. 

Sabtu: we tried to catch up on all the appointments we had. Good day We also became models of the Tugu...everyone wanted to take pictures with us!! 

 Hari Minggu: Hoppy Easter semuanya!! I just want to testify that I know Christ lives. He died and rose the third day. I know that I am here as a representatve for Him. I know that it is only through Him that we can all make it back to our Heavenly Father. I know it's through His help that I am able to do this work and that I would not be where I am today without Him. I know He loves you and knows you perfectly. Bring all your burdens to Him, your sins, your weaknesses, and He will make you stronger. Dalam Nama Yesus Kristus, Amin. 

Well Until next week! 

Sister Sperry :) 

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