Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Yogyakarta (Week 30)

Howdy Ya'll,

I heard that there was an Earthquake in Chili? Is everything ok? Sister Toegono and I were at the church when we felt another little earthquake (this makes the 4th so far here in Jogja). We've also had some crazy weather but all in all it's been pretty cool here! I had a pretty good week hopefully you all did too! Well here's my week:
Senin: We ended up going to Prambanan again with a mission couple. It was really cool, again. Then we went to Ratu Boko which is a palace place for the queen. There was an absolute GORGEOUS view and if it's a clear enough day you can see Mount Merapi in the distance and we could see Prambanan from there. It was awesome and I will come back to Indonesia to see that again! We also went to Tamansari which is an old bathhouse for the king and queen. It was super neat! Sister Olsen and I got a little sunburned but not enough to hurt.

Selasa: Pretty good April Fools. When we tried to prank the elders we ended up pranking ourselves. Well, I learned my lesson ;) We had some pretty good lessons too with two investigators that have oooodles of potential. Overall it was a good day!
Rabu: this was the day we felt the earthquake. We were waiting for our dinner appointment at the church, I was playing the piano when the wall started to shake. Sister Toegono and I just kinda looked at each other, it finished, and we decided to walk outside. And that was that! Our expressions were extremely calm. Oh and earlier that day we taught an English class were there was a previous investigator from Magelang. He asked lots of questions in class so I got to answer a little and we want to meet with him again this week.
Kamis: we went to a 1000 day remembrance for one of our investigator's husband. Because she's a different religion it was a little different than what I'm used to but it was a good culture experience. I even got up the courage to share my testimony in their mini testimony meeting. It was neat and I'm glad we could be there to support her (Mama Hawk!).

Jumat: we went searching and searching for this ibu that we meet. She gave us her name and address but when we went to the address no one had any idea who she was. But on the bright side EVERYONE decided they wanted to talk to us so we made a ton of contacts! It was really cool and we felt super blessed! I love the people here!
Sabtu: We tried to find some more previous investigators and got a referal from one of our current investigators. The little neighborhood of Kricak Kridul is going to make a great ward ;) Almost all of our new investigators are from there!
Hari minggu: Church was really good! There were some great testimonies and lessons given that we felt our investigator needed to hear! Afterwards choir was also good and it rained the rest of the day. We made dinner for one of the sisters investigating families and taught them about faith and hope. The father is sick and can't work so they don't have a lot right now. I felt very humbled at their experience.

We also made a mexican/indonesian burrito dinner. It was awesomely enak!!
Well I'm off to start another adventurous week! I love misisonary work and especially I love INDONESIA!!

Sister Sperry :)

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