Monday, December 2, 2013

Jakarta - Week 12

Waduh! It's December!

I can't believe December is already here! There are very few signs that Christmas is coming here, since people don't really celebrate it in Indonesia, and there's no snow...but Christmas is on it's way!

Here's how my week went:

Monday: On Monday we had our preparation day changed. We were still able to email but other than that Monday was just like any other day. We worked hard to further God's work! We also had a really great FHE with a member family and some investigators. Strong testimonies were born and yummy food was eaten. It was a good night. 

Tuesday: Tuesday was frustrating. EVERYONE cancelled or weren't there when we tried to stop by to visit. Or didn't answer their phones. It was really frustrating especially when we finally found someone who wanted to be taught (a previous investigator), they said they would be somewhere at a certain time...and then didn't show. It's OK though. Everyone has their agency and I know there's more days like this to come!  

Wednesday: On Wednesday we received some pretty big news. While we were meeting with a member President Donald called. I answered the phone and he informed me that I'll be moving December 10th to Yogyakarta. My new companion's name is Sister Believe and I'll be serving with my fellow caveman Elder James. I'm sad and excited all at the same time! It's a bike riding area (YES!!) and I'll be living with 4 sisters in a house instead of just 2. Sister Narko is staying in Jakarta and her new companion is coming from Sister Narko's home city, Malang. This week we will be getting 4 new sisters and we are all very excited! 

Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving! We got permission to change p-day to this day because a member from the English ward invited us over for Thanksgiving. It was delicious!!!! It was also the first time Sister Narko tried turkey. She liked it :) Sister Paul (the amazing member from the english ward) had us do a cool activity where we wrote down 100 things we are grateful for. She had 10 categories and we wrote down 10 things for each category. It's really easy to come up with 100 things to be thankful for!
 Thanksgiving feast!

Friday: We visited one of our newest member's Mom. She is really great and always asks good questions. She enjoys reading the Liahona and the Gospel Principle book and is pretty receptive to our message. She just has a hard time being able to make it to church. We keep praying for her though! We know she'll make it one day.

Saturday: Saturday I learned a little more about how to teach. We had two lessons where I wasn't really impressed with myself. It was a good lesson to learn and I'm working on becoming better everyday.

Sunday: Sunday we had the opportunity to go to the Lucherini's (i think I may have just spelled their name wrong) for dinner. They are one of the couple missionaries in Jakarta and they are wonderful! We talked about Ether 12:12-16 and about what our faith could do. We then each gave each other a commitment to improve our faith. My commitment is to make sure I do my best every single day. To make sure I'm doing that I am going to account to Heavenly Father what I've done each day and how I feel about it. I'm excited to see improvement. 

I know this church is true. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet and I know that Christ still lives. I know that this is where I'm supposed to be right now and I know I'm learning A LOT!! 

I love you all and am so grateful for the support I receive. Keep on Keeping on! 
Sister Sperry :) 

 Javanese Pizza, ENAK!
English class with the turkeys they made.

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