Monday, December 9, 2013

Jakarta - Week 13

Well this week has been a little crazy with everyone moving and jazz. I'm going to be moving tomorrow to Jojga and I am really excited! And a little sad to leave Jakarta, but it's ok. This is the Lord's work and this is what He wants done. I'm grateful for the leaders here to be able to receive revelation to know the Lord's will with His work and I'm excited to find out what's in store for me in Jojga!
Here's how the week went:

Mon: Really fun P-day. We ate as a district at a nice restaurant, did a little bit of shopping, and then visited a part member family. Everyone but the Dad is a member in that family and their story is amazing. The faith of those kids and mother is really strong and I'm grateful for what they shared with us. It was really neat to learn more about the people here in the ward!

Tues: Tuesday was the last day I got to see Raz, another member. We had a really good thought and then lunch together. She heads to the US next week and is really excited. Safe travels Raz!

We also went to visit a less active member and learned that she had just had her baby on Friday! He's quite handsome and she was quite tired. I think she said she hadn't gotten any sleep! Luckily her mom and sister were there to help out so she could rest up a bit. So exciting!
Wed: Wednesday we had some sisters from Solo come in and stay with Sister Narko and I. We all went over to Sister Bindrup's (the Bindrups were in my parent's ward in Virginia!) house for lunch and to teach Ruth who helps Sister Bindrup out. She's really interested in the gospel and has a lot of faith. She used to be muslim and is now christian. Maybe soon she'll be a member of the church too!
It also rained like crazy on Wednesday. While we were at the train station there was a crack of lighting like RIGHT above me! The thunder was SO loud. Oh it was awesome! I love the crazy rain and storms here!

Thur: Thursday we met with all the new sisters that just came in from the MTC. One from California and three from Indonesia. They are so ready for missionary work! I'm really excited to see them grow and turn into amazing missionaries. Good things are coming to this mission! We also got to be a part of a going away dinner for a sister who went home this week. It was neat to hear from her and get some advice before she left.
Fri: Friday was crazy because even more people came to Jakarta for moving and renewing kitas and waduh! We had the privilege of taking two sisters home with us, Sister Sheffield from Ogden, UT and Sister Manurung who is a new sister from Tangarang. They have been a joy to have with us and I'm taking Sister Sheffield's spot in Jojga so it's been fun to hear about it from her. I'm really excited!!
Sat: Saturday Sister Narko and I got permission to go to Bogor! It's about an hour and a half by train from Jakarta. We went to go see Jeannie and find out how she's doing. It was so great to see her again! Also there's not really any public transportation to Jeannie's house so we got to ride in the back of a truck. Fun times!
Sun: Sunday was good. I said my goodbyes to some people but I'm sure I'll see them again :)
That's my week! It's been a good one and I'm excited to move. Thank you for all your love and support. I know this church is true and the gospel is restored. I know this is where I need to be right now and I'm so grateful to be here.

Sampai Nanti!
Sister Sperry :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Sister Sperry! What an amazing woman you are! Its so fun to see you having all of these new experiences and making your mark on the world. What a credit you are to your parents, both of whom I love:) Keep up the amazing work and we'll be praying for you:)
