Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jakarta - Week 3

Hello Y'all!

Jakarta is still as crazy as ever! Traffic is mad (especially on Senin (mondays)) but things are going well. 

Heavenly Father has really been putting me through the refiners fire. I have been learning a lot of what my duties are and how I am supposed to do those duties. Slowly and through the power of the Atonement (you should use it every day!) I think I'm becoming the missionary Heavenly Father wants me to be. 

So here's how the week went!
Monday: We just kind of hung out at the church, played piano, and a little basketball. Then Sister Narko went over to an English member's home for dinner and Family Home Evening. They had their nonmember friend over and it was great fun. We talked about service and praying for others. And of course we ate delicious food. Ha the Cab driver got lost on our way there, so it was kind of an expensive ride, but it gave us time to talk to him and even give him a pass along card. 

Tuesday: We had exchanges with the Sister training leaders! I got to be with Sister Manalu who is a recent convert to the church and she is AMAZING! She is so sweet and her testimony is incredible :) We went to a less active member's home. The reason she isn't coming to church is because her husband won't let her. She asked us to text him, but has yet to give us his number. We did make another appointment with her this week though so maybe he'll be home and we will all be able to have a good discussion! She also gave us the referral of her sister. Then that night something crazy happened! We got a call from the Elders in Bogor telling us about someone waiting at the church because they really want to learn more. We hurried home as fast as the bus could pretty slowly..and met Jeannie and David at the church. They are both AMAZING!! They are both looking for change in their lives to make their lives better and they really are incredible! Jeannie basically asked us if she could be baptized! We are in the process of coming up with a date for hopefully her and David but we shall see. David's parents are members and that's how they knew about the church. I'm so glad that Heavenly Father directed them to the church because I know it's going to bless their lives!

Wednesday: Sister Narko was on a roll! She gave out 2 Kitab Mormons and basically gave the first lesson to someone on the busway. Go Sister!!

 Thrusday: Taught English classes all day! We had 3, 2 at schools and 1 at the church. We also met with Jeannie and David again and it was all very good :) I need help though! I need ideas for teaching kids english!! I starting to run out of songs and we don't have a curriculum yet (hopefully one is coming soon!). Please email me with ideas!!!!! 

Friday: Just lots of prosiliting, and not much else!

Typical Jakarta street.
Saturday: Didn't go as planned at all. But I am now teaching a muslim woman piano...We'll see how that goes! She just up and invited us into her home, gave us food, and before I knew it I was signed up to teach her lessons. Wish me luck!!

Sunday: Had lots of church, some more prociliting, and then went over to the Jeffery's for dinner. They like the Sisters so much that they've booked sunday night dinners for the whole month! They are fun and we have really good discussions about Preach My Gospel. They invite their friend to participate with us and she is really kind!! 

Fruit soup, Nasi Goreng. YUM! 
Well I'm off to another week! Love you all and thank you for your prayers and support. I really need them! And I am super grateful for them!!

Sister Sperry :) 

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