Monday, October 21, 2013

Jakarta - Week 5


I've officially been in Jakarta for a whole month! I still feel SOOO new but I'm growing a lot more used to life here. This week was pretty fun! Here's how it went

Monday: We went to "Old City" but all the museums are closed on Mondays...little did we know. So we took a lot of pictures and even talked to some other bules that we saw around. We gave one German girl a Book of Mormon. She's traveling all over the world for 3 months and she says she's thinking about moving to California. Cool!

Tuesday: We had piano lessons and met with Jeannie and David. They are both hopefully getting baptized this week!! YAY!!!!! We've been talking a lot about the temple lately and Jeannie wants to go SO badly! I love how much she wants to go and I hope she keeps her focus on the temple and never lets it go! 

Wednesday: A LOT of traveling! We visited a part member family who lives about 2 hours away from us. Unfortunately her husband didn't come to join us like we hoped for but we still had a great lesson on The Family: A Proclamation to the World. I would like to invite all of you to prayerfully read that this week. It's truly inspired and you can learn a lot from something so little. We also visited Tessa, an 11year old girl, and set up a baptismal date for November 3rd! She's very excited and so are we!

Thursday: Lots of english class as usual but first we started out our day at the mission home with Interviews and Sister Narko took an english test. It was great to talk to President Donald. I've learned a lot from him already and I really appreciate all that he and sister Donald do. 

Friday: We had a mini PLD or mini zone meeting. It was really really great and I learned a lot from it! We were also all asked to bear a short testimony and I was surprised by how much I actually understood (In Indonesian). Boosted my Confidence for sure. Then Sister and I had a weekly planning session where she told me that I was going to be "in charge" this week. AHH!! I'm a little bit nervous especially because I'm still so new! But I think everything should be fine. I hope we're able to have a successful week! We also met with another part member family and had yet another awesome lesson on the importance of family. I felt the Spirit quite a bit in this lesson! I was really happy about that and glad I made the decision to follow the Spirit. This lesson turned out to be more focused on their relationship than anything else. We asked them to set one day a week apart to just spend time with each other and I really hope it helps them grow closer together. 

Saturday: General Conference ALL day! And I didn't understand any of it... But Jeannie and David came and Jeannie said she really felt the Spirit. I know these men and women are called of God and what they say are God's words. I can't wait to hear it in English! 

Sunday: More General Conference, lunch at a members house, and I just became the piano player for choir! Right before choir though I began to develop a terrible head ache that wiped me out for the rest of the day. Don't worry I'm better now! 

Although life is crazy here I'm happy I am where I am. I am learning so much and I love it! I hope all is well with all yall! Thank you for your love and support and remember to always hold strong to the gospel! 

Sister Sperry :) 

ps sorry! No pictures...I forgot my camera. 

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