Monday, November 24, 2014

Surabaya (Week 60)

Selamat Pagi from SUROBOYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yopp I've been moved from my Jawa Tengah Kingdom to this awesome city in the Eastern Jawa! I can now say I've been to Jawa Barat, Tengah and Timur (West, central and East!). I already love Surabaya. It's the second biggest city after Jakarta but not as crazy as Jakarta so we're still able to ride bike (my new bike is SO NICE!). So Here's the week!

My new area!
Senin: we did a lot, I said bye to people, and all that fun jazz. 


Selasa: Did I tell you about how there was a guy that knows REALLY good english and it was so good he sounded like an Easterner and then he followed us and we stopped at someones house and they just so happened to be Christian? Well...we went to go see that person again :) She was Christian but then "left Christ" and now feel likes she's sinned and is very confused. We listened to her and tred to help her realize the importance of the Atonement and Christ's love. It was a good lesson and helped me to remember Christ loves me too :) 

Then we had a super intense lesson with a nonactive member...that wasn't fun. It made me so frustrated! She's just letting these wonderful blessings for her and her kids just pass by her!!! STOP! JUST COME GET YOUR BLESSINGS!! YOUR LIFE WILL BE SO MUCH BETTER IF YOU DO!!  It just makes me sad to think that people wont act to take what God is giving to them. Sister Zabriskie went and got Snickers afterward as a know it's intense when there's snickers involved afterward.
BUT My day was made better when we met with an awesome investigator that  is a friend of one of the Elders in the mission. He has been so well prepared! I'm super excited for him and for his older brother's family that is learning. Their story is awesome but I have no ask me later ya ;) 

Rabu: last day in Solo...:'''''(   That was a bummer...But we had good lessons and my love for these people just grew even more! They have no idea the kind of impact they've had in my life. I can't wait to meet them in Heaven so I can really really express how grateful I am for them all!
Kamis: I moved to SURABYA! We went out and gave the baptismal commitment right away! Surabaya is going places I can feel it! 

Jumat: I'm just falling in love with this city and it's not nearly as hot as I thought it was going to be so that's a blessing ;) We met lots of people and you can just feel the excitment of the work progressing here.

Sabtu: I got to meet some of the progressing investigators here and they are just so cool. I also got to meet with Elder Headrick again which was awesome. We are from the same MTC group and were in Jakarta together so it's fun to see him again. Our bahasa is SO much better than it was back then ;) 

Hari Minggu: it's a branch instead of a ward here so that was way different. But there's this strength and excitment that's in a branch that you dont get in a ward which is just pumping me up! We were able to give another commitment for Baptism and it was just great! 

 Alright well...Sampai jumpa! I hope you have the opportunity to eat a snickers that's partly melted (JUST A LITTLE) on a bike becuase it always tastes better like that.


Sister Sperry :) 

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