Monday, November 10, 2014

Solo (Week 58)


Today is Sister Zabriskie's birthday and you should all know that she is an AWESOME AND AMAZING PERSON/MISSIONARY!! I love her and so does everyone else because there's no possible way that anyone could not love her. Happy 20th rekan!

Man this week was AWESOME! So many miracles and culture and just pure amazingness! I love this country! Here's how it went...

Senin: we had an awesome shopping day:D we got to see how batik was made and I am finished with my Christmas shopping. BAM!

Selasa: We learned some more awesome things about Family History from Elder and Sister Lewis. We went over to help them with a project that they are going to show in front of a ton of important people about family search and getting our families traced back to Adam. It was super neat and I think ALL of you should do indexing because getting these records sorted out is so important for our salvation. We cannot be perfect without our ancestors and they cannot be perfect without us! (D&C 128) So lets all get to work!!! Indonesia espeically needs help in clearing up records. iyo semuanya kita bersama2 berusaha untuk menrapikan catatan2 indonesia supaya bisa menemukan leluhur kita! belajara tentang keluarga kita adalah SANGAT penting! Sy berjanji anda akan dapat berkat dari Tuhanmu. 
Also 4 missionaries, 3 from Solo and 1 from Jogja got set apart. It was a big deal and so cool to see and be apart of! I can't wait to meet them all in the mission field; Something unique about this mission is a lot of the time you serve in the wards of the missionaries you serve with! So I know them all and know that Indonesia is going to be greatly blessed by their hard work and great spirits!

Rabu: We got to watch a really cute parade with our friends in Baluwarti. It was like just a local parade to celebrate the Javanese/Muslim New year. It was so cute! I love the culture here and we really enjoyed ourselves. We also had some great lessons where I really felt the Spirit. I can feel myself improving and it's easier to feel the promptings of the Spirit and it has been such a blessing! 

Kamis: We got to see some more traditional stuff and picked some cool cherry looking things off a tree in front of a less active member's house. Really yummy and SWEET! The less active hasn't come to church for a long while because of conditions at home but I feel that he's going to come back soon. I know Heavenly Father is going to help him through this trial if HE (the brother) really actually truly wants it! 

Jumat: The elders put together an AWESOME fireside about social media! I'm pumped to use Facebook when I get home! And I learned somethinga bout myself. I think dulu (before) I was more of a hearer of the word and not much of a doer,. BUT NOW I AM ALL HEAR AND DO!! Action is so important! I just was looking around and asked some of the youth that was there if they were on their phones because they were suggesting friends to the facebook page or sharing their testimonies like we were talking about and they said no (don't worry they did latter and it was awesome!) I just KNOW it is so important to act to DO! And now is the time to find out if anyone really actually does read my emails ;) a few weeks ago I tried to get you all to post your testimony to facebook and then send it to me. I got 1.........C'MON YALL!! Lets work together and be doers of the word! lets "flood the earth" (as elder Bednar put it) with our light and the gospel and help these people out. Please DO and don;t just read. I promise what I ask to do is not just I want to ask you for funsies but because this is my duty and my purpose as a missionary. Eventhough I was not called to your area of the world, this is what I am supposed to me doing, calling you all to Christ. Lets come to Him together and bring the rest of the world with us!

Sabtu: WADUH MIRACLES RIGHT AND LEFT!! We just had an AWESOME day and there is too much to write but it all ended in some referrals, less actives coming to church and role playing with us, 3 more commitments to baptism, hilarious investigators becoming our friends, gross javanese food that felt like luggies and boogers (I didn't finish it...), and a family that I fully believe will make it to the temple one day! I love these people so much and Man Sister Zabriskie and I are blessed missionaries! 

Hari Minggu: we had 150 epople come to church (when I first got here it was like 70) (mind you it was ward conference BUT still it happened AND THAT IS A MIRACLE), 5 COUNT EM 5 investigators to church, 3 less actives, and to top it all off there was even a wedding!!! BEST DAY EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love being a missionary! I love my life and I love my God. He is full of mercy and grace and He is just wonderful. I am so blessed beyond belif and I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve God. I love you all and am so grateful for your love and support. Now go put your testimony on facebook and tell Sister Zabriskie happy birthday! 

with love,
Sister Sperry :)

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