Saturday, November 9, 2013

Jakarta - Week 7

Hello again!  

I can't believe October is already almost over! I hope everyone eats a piece of candy for me, they don't celebrate Halloween here. Which is fine because I can't trick or treat any way ;) so here's how the week went!

Monday: Just a nice normal preparation day and then FHE at a member's home. They had delicious food as always and we had a good lesson where each missionary shared a favorite thought or something that has stood out to them lately. He then invited us back over again for today. I'm quite excited. And actually while we are talking about today I have some cool news. We have a new investigator!! YAY! Anser to my prayers! She's buddhist and it's very interesting to learn a little more about that religion. But she says she wants to find God and to feel of His power. She says she needs His help and she really has been prepared by the Spirit. I also couldn't help but feel a close connection to her. A lot of what she said and did I was able to connect with! We are pretty similar and I hope that becomes a strength when Sister Narko and I teach her in weeks to come! She's super cool and is a Doctor. She's excited to learn and has already gotten sunday's off so she can come to church, without meeting with us first! I'm super excited to get to know her more. Oh her name is Ivon! 

Tuesday: We had piano lessons again with Ibu Tri and she told us how her trip was. She had a nice one and she gave us a ton of food like always ;) She's very sweet and I love going to see her. I always feel SUPER nervous to teach her though! But I believe this is a way I can use my talents to serve and if I show Heavenly Father that I am willing to use them, He will strengthen them! I'm learning more as I teach her about piano. Its really cool! 

Wed: We went and visited a less active member's home whose daughter had been sick. Her daughter was a lot better now and we had a good discussion about sharing the gospel.

Thur: English English English! We also got to meet the new elders that came into the area! There's 3 new elders, 2 bule and 1 Indonesian. They are all great elders and I'm excited to see our Distrik grow! 

Fri: The thing that stood out the most on friday was meeting with an investigating family. Unfortunately Ibu Ita, the mother, wasn't able to participate in our meeting and it was only the husband but we had a great member with us and a really good lesson/discussion. I didn't understand much but the Spirit was there and then the Brother said that I testified with boldness. That was quite a compliment :) 

Sat: This day was kinda scary. So we had an appointment to meet with a previous investigator. Well we failed to know (until the night before we met her) that she is a Jehova Witness and all she really wanted to do was debate doctrine. With this knowledge we still went to the appointment and when we got there we were met by MANY people. We were meeting at their meeting house and Sister and I didn't want to debate with these people! We just wanted to share what we know about the gospel. Luckily most of them left and we were able to share our beliefs with four people. They were very kind and in return we were able to learn a little more about their religion. It didn't make much sense to me and it actually helped my testimony to grow in the restored Gospel. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I also know that others have pieces of the truth. We had very similar ideas and yet some things that were just so different. I'm very grateful to have the WHOLE restored gospel. Not just a piece of reformation. We also met with two Muslims who are very interested in the church. We got to know them and they are going to take a tour of the church and watch the Restoration video with us. They also told us a little more about the Muslim church and I again receive confirmation that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's true church. 

We also cleaned the area book and out of the bazillion names we tried to contact we got ONE appointment. YAY FOR THE ONE!!!! We are excited to meet with her and she seems to be excited to meet with us too :) Pray it all works out! 

Sun: Church and meeting with the Jefferies like usual :) Bro. Jefferies had some great ideas on that he used in the mission field that we want to try to see if it will help with our success. 

I know this work is the work of God and that He is the head of everything that goes on. I also know that this is the member's work. Missionaries are set apart from the world to share the gospel yes, but this work would be absolutely impossible without the members! We need ALL the members to help us as much as possible!!!! So here's my commitment to all of you this week. Prayerfully seek someone to share the gospel with. Then come up with a way that you can. Present that plan to Heavenly Father and I promise He will guide you to say what you need to to share this Gospel. I also promise that as you do His wll and His work you will be SO blessed! For instance, you will learn more about yourself. 

Thank you for everything and all the support!
With love,

Sister Sperry :) 

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