Sunday, August 11, 2013

MTC-Week 1

Hey All!!

It's my first offical P-day! The MTC is going well so far. I am companions with Sister Olsen like I was hoping and she has been a real blessing! We get along really well and we've been teaching an "investigator" named Robert (he told us he really is just a teacher). It's been a cool experience to teach him especially in a different language where my vocab is SO limited! But for being here already a week I can say quite a bit! It has been a challenge to not be able to say everything that I need to say exactly but if the spirit is there then I don't need to worry becuase I know The Spirit will testify to Robert the things I am trying to say. Today Sis. Olsen and I are going to try and invite him to be baptized! Wish us luck!!

The district is really great! There are 10 of us going to Indonesia and only two of us sisters. There's an elder from New Zeland, Australia and one from Ohio. The other 7 of us are from Utah. Haha so funny story! The Elder from New Zealand's name is Elder Hobbs, like hobbit! AND he lives like an hour to an hour and a half away from where they filmed some of the Lord of the Rings movies (how cool?!). So one of the Elders was telling a story about this kid who had to run a mile for help bare foot and Elder Hobbs was like "oh that's no big deal" and then his companion goes "Of course it's no big deal to you, we can't all be hobbits!" HAHA it was really funny at the time, especially becuase we had been studying all day.

I got to see Elder Browning, Elder Maddox, Elder Downs and Elder Warner this past week. And actually a lot of other Elders that I know but those are the two I was most excited to see. Elder Browning was getting mail while I was checking into the MTC and we shoke hands and were on our way (I was in a line and it was moving so I couldn't talk for long). Then Elder Maddox and Elder Downs (an elder who lived accross the hall from me at USU and basically was in my appartment all the time) live in the same area and I see them around campus a lot. Then I saw Elder Warner at the tuesday fireside. It was SO nice to see him!! We talked and each bore our testimony to each other in our Languages (he's going to Denmark). He's leaving the MTC here soon! How exciting!!!

So the MTC really is one of the coolest "institutions" there is! I love learning about the gospel all the time! Really I do just love studying about it. And Indonesian is SO cool! I love this language and feel really very blessed to be able to learn it and to serve there. Besides the hygiene hand (the two foreign Elders just learned about this...poor Elders) this is the country for me. I am really excited to go and teach the people in Indonesia and to someday be able to speak this fun and amazing language!

 Becuase I love the language so much I would like to bare you my testimony in it. It's simple but I believe that by small and simple things, great things come to pass :)

Here it goes!!

Saya tuah bahwa Yesus Kristus hidup. Dia kasih kita dan mati bagi kita. Saya tuah bahwa Kitab Mormon benar dan Gereja Yesus Kristus dari Orang-orang suci Zaman Akhir adalah benar. Saya bersyukur bagi Bapa Surgawi dan saya keluarga. Dalam nama Yesus Kristus, Amin.

I love you all and thank you for your prayers. I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life. Spread the gospel!! Don't be afraid to open your mouth and show people that you live and love this church. Keep on keeping on!!


Sister Sperry :)
 Good friend - Elder Warner
 Polka Dots!
Learning the language
AFHS Elders

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