Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Yogyakarta (Week 25)

Selamat Pagi semuanya!
Wow can you believe it's already Maret?! Where is the time going?! I can't believe I've already hit my 6 month mark in the mission and on the 12th I'll be 6 months in Indonesia...crazy! Well here's my week.
Senin: As a district we visited Kraton which is where like a servant of the king or someone really big lives. It wasn't completely clear who lives there but it was still really neat! It had a lot of cultural things and there was a group playing percussion instruments there. I just realized that I had seen a group like them before at BYU once (remember that mom?). Later that night we had FHE with the bishop, his family, and Mbak Atin. It was really good!

Selasa: Sister Siska, one of the members here, invited us to her restaurant to eat for free. It was WAY yummy. It's a pretty neat place too. It's also her home and the Elders teach her youngest son. Cool! We also had our last WML (ward mission leader meeting) with Sister Allred, Believe and Elder James. Crazy!


Rabu: Was a pretty normal day. Met with people and had some really good lessons. Nothing too special. Except I did get to learn a little more about eternal marriage that I didn't know before. Donctrine and Covenants 131and 132 is really good.

Kamis: This was my last official day with Sister Belive! We again taught some good lessons and packed a little for her departure and for me to pick up my new companion in Jakarta.
Jumat: I flew out to Jakarta and it was like coming home! I love Jakarta even though it sometimes gives me a headache. I got to meet with Sister Narko again and some of the new missionaries from the Provo MTC but most importantly I met my Trainee! Sister Toegono (toe-go-no). She's from Bekasi and is really cool! I am super excited to work with her!
Sabtu: Sister Toegono and I got some extra advice from President Donald and I got to visit my old appartment again. We left for Jogja that night and got in a little late because the flight was delayed.
Hari Minggu: It was a crazy sunday. Pictures with everyone and we dropped Sister Believe off at the airport. It was bitter sweet but she's going to do great things in Medan. Then Sister Toegono and I did a weekly planning session and we've got a good week set up!

I love this work! I know this is where I need to be right now. I love you all and thank you for everything!
with love,
Sister Sperry  :)

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