Monday, February 17, 2014

Yogyakarta Week 23

I hope everyone had a good week and a nice valentine's day. Our valentine's was a little crazy... I'll get there! Here's how my week went :)
Senin: We got to play basketball as a district and with the Magelang Elders. It was tons of fun and a good way to let out stress. Afterward Sister Believe and I tried to visit some of our investigators that live REALLY far in the country but it started to rain really hard and it didn't happen...

Selasa: On Tuesday we had a family night at a less active member's house. She's climbed Mt. Everest! How cool is that? I guess she's like the first woman in Asia or something... I'm not completely sure but she got this award and some news articles done about  her. She's really neat and really does want to start coming to church again.
Rabu: Wednesday was a normal day. We had a really good lesson with one of our investigators, Mba Atin, who hopefully will be baptized this upcoming Sunday. Sister Peni came with us and it was a really nice lesson.
Mba Atin, her mom and the Sisters
Kamis: For some reason, it was really hard to meet with people on Thursday so Sister Believe and I did some contacting. It was super successful but the point is we did our best and really tried! Sometimes you just have days like that.
Jumat: Valentines day! Well the alarms went off at the right time but it was so dark outside! I kept staring at my watch thinking, "it cannot possibly be 6:30 in the morning, there's no sun!" Then I heard some of the other sisters oooing and awwing. Turns out there was valcano in East Java that spewed ash all that night. it seriously looked like it had snowed in Indonesia! Later that day we heard word that there was supposed to be a huge earthquake around 4pm so we all gathered at the church and waited it out. The big earthquake never happened but I guess there was a little one at 2 am that night. I'm here for two earthquakes and didn't feel either of them. I guess that could be a blessing right?

Sabtu: Everyone was busy cleaning their homes from all the "debu" (ash). We tried cleaning a little too but it just gets moved around and then settles again. We'll keep working on that. We were able to visit two of our investigators which was good! We have to wear masks and jazz but it's all good.

Hari Minggu: We went to Mba Atin's Mom's house to ask her for permission to be baptized. It was lots of fun and Mba Atin's family is super nice. Her mom said yes! Hopefully this week Mba Atin will be able to be baptized.
 Drinking from a coconut
Eating the coconut
Well I can't believe another week has passed. Thank you for your prayers and love.

Sampai jumpa!
Sister Sperry :)

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