Friday, September 6, 2013

MTC- The final week!

Apa kabar?! 

Well it's finally the last week! And I am SO excited! So is the rest of the district. Of course we are all scared too but mainly just excited. I can't believe the opportunity is finally here. We leave in the afternoon on Tuesday and because of the dateline will arrive in Jakarta on Thursday. I wont have a Wed next week! Apa?! 

 So this week is kinda crazy...we have 2 baptismal dates set up!! WOOT! Jon and Joko both basically asked to be baptized this week which was crazy but a huge blessing. Sister Olsen and I weren't expecting it at all and I've gotta tell you it wasn't us. If I learned anything this week it's that this is God's work and The Spirit is the real teacher. Sister Olsen and I may have taught some lessons and befriended them but it is The Spirit that really touched them and gave them the desire to be baptized. These two are such amazing men who only care about their family and want the best for them. Joko is really impressive. Joko is the inactive Muslim man who has absolutely nothing. He makes his living by recycling things and getting money from that. He saved up enough money to fix his motor and bring his whole family (a yr old, 1yr old and his wife) to church on Sunday which is a 30-40 min ride from his house. I can't imagine how many meals he must have missed to be able to fix that motor. Heavenly Father truly provides a way for all of His children to fulfill those things that He commands and He wont let us fail if we are truly trying. That's another thing that has come up this week. You really need to put forth some effort to receive those blessings that Heavenly Father wants to give to you. You have to exercise the faith that you have. I am really grateful for Joko and his example to me and for all of the investigators that Sister Olsen and I have had the opportunity to teach. I haven learned a lot for each of them and I can't wait to get to know those in Indonesia that I have the opportunity to know. 

So this week is supposed to be all Indonesian but our district has been struggling. Lately I have made it a personal goal to not speak at all, unless it is in Indonesian. It is not easy! But it is super fun ;) No one recognizes the language so everyone is really confused when we attempt to talk to them. I have to act out what I am trying to say most of the time but it has been a really great learning opportunity. I'm also so surprised at how much I can say! Haha it makes me feel pretty cool but I know that feeling is going to leave as soon as the plane lands on Thursday. 

Sorry about the short letter but there's lots to do!! Thank you EVERYONE for the love and support that I have been able to receive. I really am such a blessed missionary to have such an amazing support system.  Until next week!!

Sister Sperry :) 

The infamous MTC map.

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