Friday, August 15, 2014

Solo (Week 47)


Another week has flown by! I had a dream last night that it was already time to go home and I was really, really sad. I'm not ready yet!! I love this place and this whole experience! AHH time is just going by way too fast! But...Here's my week :)

Senin: As Elder Kus's last p-day he took us all out for Pizza and basketball. That was fun like always and yummy! Then we went to visit Ibu Rini who can't come to church because she started working on Sundays again (her month long break is over and has to return). We hope we'll be able to find a way around that! Then we went with an active member to non active member's home and they were...very old! But funny. He just spoke javenese to the sister we were with the whole time. Haha old people are great ;) 

Selasa: We had a FULL day planned and...none of it happened! But this week we were more goal driven than usual. We had a goal to achieve more lessons than I have in a week. God blessed us with a couple to get our ball rolling. It was hard because it was a holiday so everyone went home to the "desa" or country. But we managed! We met some more people, the husband is an organ player and would not stop talking and the wife is a retired Elementary school teacher and wouldn't stop feeding Sister Fisher. HAHA! They were quite the pair ;) 

Rabu: We met a princess! She's 32 out of 35 kids............yeah just chew on that for a second....she has 6 moms. But her dad was the king of Kraton! Now her brothers are fighting for the crown and all that jazz and really it just sounds like something from the Book of Mormon. Maybe that'll help her be excited to read it! We also met with the bishop from Solo that night and that was fun. He and his wife are hilarious and his parents live in Jogja so I know them. We all had a good family night together.

Kamis: We went on splits with two young women who are wanting to serve missions and that REALLY helped us get a lot closer to our goal! They were such a blessing!!! was my year mark...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jumat: Heavenly Father provides! We went out and proselyted a ton and found people to teach and they all have a lot of good potential! To be continued!

 abtu: We were busy the WHOLE day. But we got exactly what we planned for. We also met an old lady who is 93 years old and still has a cute sense of humor and can walk around and everything. She wears these HUGE coke-bottle glasses and is just super cute. I love people :) 

Hari Minggu: unfotunately...none of our investigators came to church :( Ibu Ima was in Jawa Timur (East Java) so they couldn't come and they are thinking about moving out there. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!) But we still had a good day and we achieved our goal!!The really big one!!!!! Now it's time to just benchmark from it and get better and better.

Goal setting is so important! When you set a goal and then focus on it God will really help you to achieve it. That could be anything, weight, school, etc. Setting goals and then working to get them is so important and then you will look back and say hey wow! Look what I can do! We all have such great potential. Learn your potential! Don't let what God gave you go to waist.

Well I love you all! Have a great week!!

Sister Sperry :) 


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